The unbeatable benefits of weight training

RPC News • May 2, 2017
The unbeatable benefits of weight training
Often, different types of athletes can be discovered in the gym. There are once the cardio lovers who can be found on the treadmill or the stationary bike. Then those who like to attend courses and spend their time at Bodystyling, Pilates and Co. And nothing is wrong with that! But the area, which is often done with half will power and has so much to offer, is the targeted muscle growth. Both on devices that train individual muscle groups isolated, as well as more complex exercises, a holistic muscle is sought. Depending on how often you work out during the week, there are different ways of exercising. One day, for example, you concentrate on your legs, the other day on your upper body. Or, you alternate pulling movements in a workout with oppressive executions. The possibilities are almost limitless, but there is no reason to be overwhelmed. Your personal trainer will create the optimal plan for you.
After training is before the training – but what happens in between?
It’s one thing to give full power in training and get it all out. However, it is also important to rest during the training days, because in these breaks, the stressed muscles regenerate. By hypertrophy, ie muscle growth, they are soon ready for the next load fully operational and with an improvement in performance even more than before. Another not to be underestimated role plays, you guessed it already, the diet for achieving your personal goals. But even in this area your personal trainer will assist you with words, motivation and guidance.
With weights or without? It’s all about the mixture!
Studies show that squats and deadlifts with body-adjusted weights stimulate the production of many important hormones. These two exercises are often referred to together with the bench press, as „basic exercises“ of long bar and barbell training. But also functional methods, ie strength training without much additional weight, can be extremely effective. The classic among these „Bodyweight“ exercises are the Burpees – a pushups in combination with a straight jump. They improve the general fitness like hardly any other movement. The most sensible is a combination of different methods that your Personal Trainer London Team will put together.
more Power
more Strength
more Muscle
The strongest muscle is the Will
The best training plan on paper will not work if it is not implemented. Why can it be that many well-structured and well-thought-out training concepts fail? You have to want it. First, find your own personal drive that will motivate you to work on improving your performance every day. This may be the next beach vacation, personal health, general fitness or even the ambition to grow beyond yourself. Be honest with yourself and consider: Why do I want to do weight training? The will can be trained like a muscle, it gets stronger from workout to workout and it will cost you less and less to overcome. In our team you will find excellent Personal Trainers in London who will guide you on your way to your dream body.
How do I achieve my fitness goals with a balanced diet?
Healthy, varied food intake, which takes into account your personal needs, such as daily calories, vitamins and nutrients as well as the physical activities in work and leisure, helps the body find its top form and is also a balm for the soul. Our personal trainers are particularly careful to ensure that the energy supply for an active life remains, all important nutrients and vital substances are supplied so that the goal Muscletoning can be a positive and moderate strengthening. Our motto: „Energetic and healthy into old age“, with a diet that promotes weight reduction and refreshing training that supports the holistic development of strength.