Nutrients, daily calories and nutrition tips

RPC News • Septembre 17, 2017
NNutritional advice for active people
National Nutrition Societies have developed guidelines that are as follows: Everybody should harmoniously combine and consume around forty-five percent of carbohydrates, thirty percent fats and twenty-five percent protein each day.
Basic rules for weight loss and definition, individual consumption, physical needs (for example, different metabolism) and the daily calories needed are not included in these guidelines. It is advisable to set up a personal nutrition plan. Here is an overview of more detailed information, the personal trainers in London or other locations will be happy to show you detailed connections that include your individual needs.
- First, let’s look at the basal metabolic rate. This value represents the energy to be absorbed in the perfect resting state of the body. Among other things, age, gender, physique and metabolism are taken into account. You will find calculators in the internet or your trainer will give you detailed analysis.
In addition, influence on the calculation of any illness, medication or personal factors, such as stress.
- Then the power turnover is determined. This consists of work turnover and leisure sales. So: What work do you do? Are you running a complex household? Which sports activities do you follow?
- The nutritional plan is completed by the determination of digestive loss and food-induced thermogenesis. The digestive losses affect about ten percent of the nutrients that are excreted undigested. The term food-induced thermogenesis or postprandial thermogenesis stands for the measurably rising body temperature after food intake. As a result, the body loses energy and this value is about ten percent, depending on the food consumed. For example, proteins consume about twenty-five percent.
By identifying these personal details, a nutritional plan can be created that will keep you fit and active while also providing healthy, lasting weight loss.
Keep a harmonic equilibrium
Numerous diets provide the body with too little energy and it creates a disharmony. That is why it makes more sense to analyze your personal eating habits and then change them generally and permanently. Pay attention again to your personal body feeling, use a professional nutritional advice and refrain from grueling diets, with a yo-yo effect. Better: Muscle strengthening through a personalized sports program and a suitable nutritional plan.
A few ideas for healthy food intake
- Balancing hormones and actively using foods to burn fat. The lipid metabolism can be specifically targeted with spicy foods. Capsaicin, the hot pepper in Chili and Co, boosts food-induced thermogenesis and stimulates digestive juice production. The mucous membranes are better supplied with blood and more endorphins (happy hormones) are released, which positively pushes the soul. Another desired effect: By eating spicy foods, the body stores less fat.
- Complex carbohydrates: These ensure a longer lasting energy supply, due to the slow digestion, the blood sugar level rises only weakly and the fiber is optimal for the digestion. We recommend whole-grain products such as pasta, rice or bread and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Drink enough, reduce sugar and salt intake, use healthy fats, use proteins in dairy products, restrict meat consumption and incorporate fish-based foods into the diet.
4. Make food intake varied. This gives the body plenty of energy, nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. Also, take time to eat and enjoy it.
Balanced nutrition strengthens body, mind and soul and is essential for an active, fit and healthy life. Our Tip: Try and benefit from the new attitude to life in all circumstances.
balanced Nutrition
strong Immune System
physical and mental Balance